Cologne, 09.–11.03.2027 #AsiaPacific

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Image Database

We offer all journalists access to the Koelnmesse image database as a media service. The database contains current photo material on the trade fair, Koelnmesse-related images, portrait photos, and views of Cologne — all of which can be downloaded with a mouse click.

You do not have to pay royalties to print the photographs from Koelnmesse GmbH. Please note, however, that the content of all publications is solely for editorial use and for providing individual users with information. You need the express written permission of the person pictured and/or of the owner of the copyright in order to store the images in databases or forward them to a third party for commercial use.

Please make sure that you display the copyright notice “Photo: Koelnmesse / Asia-Pacific Sourcing / Author" in your print and online publications. You should take the copyright notice and the corresponding author’s name from the IPTC fields “Create” or “Copyright notice”.

Please also send a voucher copy and/or a link to an online posting.

Terms of use

Each displayed page contains several images with file information. Each image comes with a description that you can copy should you require it as well as an option to download it. You can browse to the various pages using the arrows displayed. You can download the respective image by clicking on the download button. The download is an A4-format JPG file approximately 2-3 MB in size.

Please send voucher copies to

  • Koelnmesse GmbH

    -Media Services-
    Postfach 21 07 60
    50532 Köln, Germany

    Write an e-mail